Wednesday, January 21, 2009

...turned out to be a train.

So here's the video

...Still processing, don't know how long that takes. Looks like she got another virus in the brief time she was back at daycare, so she's STILL SICK. She started her barking horrible cough about 6 days into her antibiotic course. She'd cough so bad at night that she'd make herself puke and has gotten up crying every night for the last five nights for us to soothe her back to sleep. Ugh. No fever and she's generally in a chipper mood, but can it be well time nao? I had Monday off for MLK day, and Abbey took yesterday off but we think she's on the tail end of this thing so took her back to daycare today. We think the inversion layer is exacerbating things with it's lovely smog pool, but what can you do. Positive thoughts!

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